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Misty River


Dreams from the night

Dreams from the night


Long Silver gown with gold woven in.

Carried quartz in each hand.

It was a task to prove her powers as a priestess of the land. If she could channel the power correctly to the crystals it showed she had the favor of the gods. Gold would appear in a vein within the quartz. But she had done something which hadn't been done since history was recorded. She channeled her powers to show pure, luminscent silver within the quartz as well. To channel both was thought to be a myth and completely impossible. But she had done so. It meant she was the first to call the goddess down to her mortal coil. She could summon the goddess as she willed and it was considered the embodiment of the goddess herself. Every word spoken, the will of the gods.

A card was pulled and the spell case on the door to hide it from humanity forever. But evil revealed it and the door, visable again to mortals, had to be sealed again. To do this she had to hold the crystal ceremony again to seek out the god and to ask to share his power to close the gateway once again. Apollo appeaared, radiant as the sun to woo the goddess priestess to his will but he was taken back by her power and beauty and longed only for her. He begged a promise that she dedicate a night of ritual to him once a year. If she did, he would give all the power she needed. She agreed but only if he would come to her through her life and share himself with her. The deal struck, he gave himeself over to her, his power to be used to close the gateway. The crystals where shocked through with brilliant gold and silver entwined, the gateway closed to the world again as the lady's guardian watched the doorway close.

She dedicated herself to the well-being of the priestess as if with the closeness and care of a sister. She protected the priestess at all times. She was amazed to see the god appear to the lady and amaze ever yet that he shares his power with the priestes. She pulled the cards and cast a spell of protection over them as they raised the power to close the gateway.

1:27 p.m. - 2003-08-07


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